Matt Mulder
Pastoral Resident for Mission & Evangelism and AV Coordinator
I have the pleasure of serving as Pastoral Resident for Mission and Evangelism. I have a bachelor’s degree in Music and Theology from Trinity Christian College and a Master of Divinity from Calvin Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. In my time during Seminary and when I served as a pastor in Chicagoland, most of my work was focused on getting churches more engrained in their geographical communities to learn how to better serve the neighbors God has placed around them. I am excited to bring that experience to Bethel and to help discern how we can best reach our neighbors, both around the church and around wherever we live.
I also serve as one of the A/V Coordinators here at Bethel, along with my wife Larissa, . I got my start in A/V in College in undergrad at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, IL. I got to hone my A/V skills more in ministry settings during my MDiv. internship and while working as a pastor in Chicagoland. While Larissa focuses most of her work in Videography, Lighting, and Editing, my work focuses more in Audio Engineering and systems planning, including a recent overhaul and upgrade to our A/V systems at church.
Outside of my time at Bethel, I bartend at a local craft brewery and when Larissa and I actually have free time, I enjoy traveling, making and eating good food, building Legos, and checking out new parks, breweries, and distilleries.