Lent 2023 Sermon Series
February 26 – April 9, 2023
What happens when God moves into the neighborhood and takes up residence, permanently? In The Message version of the Gospel of John, it says concerning Jesus, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”
This literally means, Jesus “tabernacled” or “made a tent” among us. Tents are temporary residences, and Jesus’ physical presence was temporary on His first residency in the world.
However, Jesus promises His disciples, and all of us, that in His absence, He will send the Holy Spirit to “dwell” inside all who believe in Him. Only this time, this dwelling will be His continual abiding, permanent residence.
Join us this Lenten Season, as we prepare to walk through the final week of Jesus’ ministry, and learn what it means to have the continual, abiding, and permanent residence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.